Fire Modules for Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher
Informative Videos
Fire Modules for Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher
On this page you'll find Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher modules
Aerial Firefighting Use & Effectiveness Program
National Rappel Program - Another Tool In The Box
Another Tool In The Box - Training Exercise
Stress Preparedness and Resilience
This video explores preparing for and managing stress using specific techniques for greater resilience.
Drones and Wildfire
An overview of the utility of unmanned aircraft systems and the adverse impact of unauthorized use.
FS Short-Haul: Supporting Our Own
This video is intended to introduce field operating employees to a new Forest Service emergency support resource. Short-haul is an extraction technique designed to lift injured or ill personnel from remote locations and transport them the shortest possible distance to medical/transportation resources.
Medevac Scenario Training Module
Edits to this version include: 1. A firm conclusion to the initial medivac scenario. The intent was to illustrate to the students that the first scenario is now longer part of the video and should only be seen as an example. 2. Arrows. Lots, and lots, of arrows.